Monday, December 8, 2008

Well Well Welcome

Welcome to shifty_nifty, one dj's contribution to a seemingly endless selection of prophetic musings by the worlds greatest well, narcissists. nigh unflappable in their confidence, unwavering in their opinions, numerous in witty commentaries. A daunting thought no doubt, an opinion around every corner, each trying to undo the last, each trying to outdo Hunter S. Thompson with their own stank of bedroom genius. Luckily you've stumbled onto shifty_nifty; a simple blog by a guy who likes to make fun of stuff and watch himself type. Hopefully, if we(myself and whomever i can con into contributing) do our job right and use a sufficient number of vulgarities and pop-culture references we'll meet our goal - Not sucking. Enjoy or something; cheers.

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